Post Pill PCOS

Have you come off hormonal birth control and noticed some of the PCOS symptoms for the first time? Irregular cycles, severe acne, hair changes?

It's common for certain types of BCP to trigger these symptoms, especially when you stop using them.

Good News - it’s likely temporary and will resolve itself in 12-24 months.

If you didn’t have these symptoms before this is the root cause. If you did have these symptoms before unfortunately this is not the root cause (but stay tuned for more PCOS types and solutions)

This PCOS type is caused by a withdrawal from the synthetic hormones in BCP. There are more common brands some being cyproterone or drospirenone.

During the 12-24 months it may take for your cycle to return to normal, there are many ways to support your body.

Hormonal birth control works by shutting down ovulation in order to prevent pregnancy. Most women that stop HBC have their cycles return to normal in a few months. For some this may take many months even years.

So for my girls that are struggling with this.

  1. Avoid cows dairy

  2. Reduce high fructose

  3. Replenish depleted nutrients

  4. Support your gut health

I have made this all super simple in my Birth Control Gals meal plan :) Purchase is sent right to your inbox.


Carrot and Beet Quinoa Salad


Baked Pears